Monday, February 20, 2017

Co-founder of Showing Up for Racial Justice at Purchase on Thursday, February 23

Join us for an evening with organizer, author, and educator Chris Crass!

Presented by Multicultural Center with support from the Office of Community Engagement and Office of the Provost and Academic Affairs.

February 23, 2017 
6:00 - 8:00 PM
Humanities Building, New Location: Room1032

Free and Open to the public.
Part of Days of Action and Dialogue
For more information, please call 914-251-6333

"Strategies for Engaging & Moving White People into Racial Justice Action"

Millions of people of all backgrounds, with leadership coming from the Black community, are taking to the streets under the banner and vision of #BlackLivesMatter. With racism in the national headlines, the Black liberation movement on the move, and lots of white people questioning racism in the U.S., this is a powerful and important time to engage and move more white people into racial justice action. The purpose of the presentation is to support all who tend to feel more confident doing anti-racist work in white communities and to leave with ideas and tools for doing it more effectively.

About Chris Crass:
Chris Crass is a longtime organizer, educator, and writer working to build powerful working class-based, feminist, multiracial movements for collective liberation. In 1999, he helped launch the Catalyst Project, a project that combines political education and organizing to develop and support anti-racist politics, leadership, and organizing in white communities and builds dynamic multiracial alliances locally and nationally. He is part of the founding of the national white anti-racist network, Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) and served on the leadership team in 2011. ​ Copies of his books (Towards Collective Liberation: Anti-Racist Organizing, Feminist Praxis, and Movement Building Strategy and Towards the "Other America": Anti-Racist Resources for White People Taking Action for Black Lives Matter) can be purchased and signed after his talk.

Towards the "Other America": Anti-Racist Resources for White People Taking Action for Black Lives Matter. Download the ebook and Discussion Guide.

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