Monday, February 20, 2017

Art Force 5 Coming to Purchase on Monday, March 6

The Multicultural Center is bringing the Art Force 5 program to SUNY Purchase on Monday, March 6. 

Established in 2006, the Art Force 5 program combines social justice with an art therapy approach. In addition to providing workshops to over one hundred audiences, they specialize in creating community-built art. 

The campus will have the opportunity to participate in a hands-on collaborative art project which will be worked on at each participating SUNY campus before a complete project is displayed in NYC on the one hundredth anniversary of a critical civil rights event.  The community-built art will commemorate the one hundred year anniversary of The Silent Parade organized by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and led by youth in East St. Louis, Illinois on July 28, 1917.

Community Based Art
Drop-In: 10am-2pm
CCN Lobby
Come paint a mosaic tile! It takes only ten minutes.

Creativity Over Conflict
For: Faculty/Staff
Bring Your Own Lunch
SSB Red Room

Creativity Over Conflict
Open to the Public
Humanities Theater

Flyer with location details.
Top text: All Major Welcome. Use the Force!

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