Thursday, March 2, 2017

Women's History Month at Purchase ... She believed she could so she did

We kicked off March with Women Supporting Women.  We had staff attendance and will explore this platform for staff.

Check out 20+ events hosted by student organizations, faculty, departments, and the Multicultural Center. Scroll down for text version of the flyer.

03/02 HAPA Tea Time 8:30pm Commuter Lounge

03/02 Claudia Rankine 4:30-6pm Humanities Theater

03/05 SOCA's HerStory 2-4pm MCC

03/07 Punching Up: TEXTures in Blackness by Kameelah Rasheed & The Black School. 2:30-5:30pm. Printshop VA 1009. Part of Punching Up Series. RSVP required.

03/08 Counseilng presents International Women's Day Tabling 11am-2pm Humanities Lobby

03/09 MCC presents film screening and discussion of Living Quechua 7-8pm MCC

03/09 HAPA Healing Circle 8:30pm TBD

03/11 Art + Feminism Wikipedia Edit-a-thon 10am-4pm Library

03/14 OCE presents Famous Women in Art 12-1:30pm

03/14 HAPA Self Love Haikus with Self-Care Club for Self Love Week 8:30pm TBD
03/16 HAPA Manko-Chan Activity 8:30pm TBD

03/17 Black Girl Magic: Masterclass. 6-9pm. MCC. Part of AfroDisiac. RSVP to

03/18 AfroDisiac 4-11:30pm The Stood

03/19 Women's History Month - LikUIDITY 8-11:30pm The Stood

03/19 Library presents Women's History Month Trivia. Library 12:30-2

03/20 Gender Studies Annual Mary Edwards Lecture - Adotei Akwei - Breaking the Glass Ceiling and Human Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Critical Challenge of Women's Righs 4:30-6pm Red Room

03/23 HAPA Discussion of Women's Rights 8:30pm TBD

03/25 & 3/26 femme future 8-11:30pm The Stood

03/29 MCC + Political Science present Your Reproductive Rights are Being Trumped 4:30-6pm MCC

03/30, 03/31 Dutchman A Senior 
Project 7:30pm Humanities Theater

03/03 HAPA Mulan 8:30pm TBD

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