Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Notes from Town Hall on #BLM at Purchase

There has been continued conversation among students about victims of police brutality. On campus student groups held a candlelight vigil in early September. As a result, the Multicultural Center hosted a Community Town Hall on Friday, October 7 to discuss Black Lives Matter at Purchase.

Students expressed that they attended:
  • To learn about a racial incident that happened on an interactive radio show, the Platform
  • To discuss in person topics expressed on Open Forum and Black Open Forum
  • To express concern about future of Global Black Studies minor
  • To connect with others who are about BLM
Community mapping:

  • People of Color Healing Circle as a space to talk about the impact of national events
  • Reporting experiences in the classroom to staff
  • Various Diversity Committees: President’s Taskforce on Diversity Hiring and Mentoring, Student Affairs Diversity (Programming), Student Diversity Committee (PSGA), and Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee (Curriculum, policy).
  • Forum Art Space and GPC - diversify artists performing on campus
  • Understanding governance procedure to address issues, especially as it relates to keeping students with positions accountable
  • Wellness Center Schedule of classes held in Fort Awesome including Hatha Yoga taught by Shaka on Thursdays from 2-3:30pm in Fort Awesome Room 135.
  • Capoeira class and demonstration on 10/10 at MCC from 1-2pm.  Classes are free to Purchase students and held on Tuesdays from 7:30-8:30pm in Aerobics Studio 1 at the Gym.
  • SGI Buddhism Club hosted on Wednesdays from 7-8pm in Commuter Lounge in CCN. Can’t make it, but interested? Email: Winthrop.Jones@purchase.edu. Only when we learn to channel the energy we direct toward winning over others into winning over ourselves can we begin to develop our humanity. Daisaku Ikeda

Pressing Issues
Brainstorming Solutions
Open Forum comments make it seem like oppression of students of color doesn’t matter
A student group is planning on hosting an in-person Open Forum.
No African American psychologist and low number of faculty
President’s Taskforce on Diversity Hiring and Mentoring meeting to address issue with retention and hiring of faculty of color.
The need to cultivate compassion within Black community
Panel or semi-circle with questions.  A space to express how you feel.
BLM centered on men
Continue to focus on the population impacted - men killed by police, men incarcerated.
Bring more attention to Queer Trans Black community.
Vote for altar theme. One of the themes is to remember those trans lives lost by transphobic violence (#SayHerName) goo.gl/p528g5
Forming a queer of color group.
Bringing back Mighty Men (student group) back.
No classes dedicated to ancient Black civilizations. No classes on African languages.

Hosting a die-in on campus

Art project on student of color experience.  Consider recourse/next steps if vandalized


A communication or liaison system - students share updates from being representatives on campus diversity related commitees.

Related Resources (post Town Hall):

  • 10/19 at 7pm at Manhattanville. Robert Gangi, Director of the Police Reform Organizing Project on "Ending Police Abusive and Discriminatory Policies" supported by the Connie Hogarth Center for Social Action, NYCLU LHV Chapter and the Westchester Coalition for Police Reform.
  • 10/20 at 6:15pm at Yonkers Riverfront Library. Panel with those who have been wrongfully prosecuted and the need for a Commission on Prosecutorial Misconduct. Sponsored by It Could Happen to You and WESPAC. Panel includes Kian Khatibi from Yonkers who was wrongfully accused of assault in Westchester County and spent 7 years locked up, as well as Bill Bastuk, Founder of It Could Happen to You, Marvin Schechter, NYC Criminal Defense Attorney. Panel moderated by Jeff Deskovic.
  • 10/27 at 6:30pm at the Thomas H. Slater Center: the Westchester Coalition for Police Reform will convene its monthly meeting with special guest from NYC Communities United for Police Reform.

Next step actions related to Shooting of Kenneth Chamberlain (White Plains).  Read about the case here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Kenneth_Chamberlain_Sr.
  • 11/03 at 11am Final Pretrial Conference - Call to pack the courtroom (Federal Building and Courthouse Southern District of NY, 300 Quarropas St, White Plains)
  • 11/07 Jury Selection - Call to be in front of Courthouse Protesting
  • 11/09 at 9:30am Trial begins - Call to pack the courtroom and be outside

Thursday, October 20, 2016


On Family Day, we received feedback of hosting a blog to share with the Purchase community updates from the Multicultural Center.  The purpose of the blog is to share notes from programs hosted at the Multicultural Center.

To submit questions or request more details contact ceg.multicultural.center@purchase.edu.